Disclaimer: Beware of emails from WFO officers asking for financial assistance or posing as being stranded in situations that require urgent help. These are phishing/hacking activities. WFO officers will never email you for any assistance of this kind.

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Encouraging high standards in orthodontics throughout the world.

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Promoting orthodontic research.

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Encourage the formation of national and regional orthodontic certifying boards around the world

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The Japanese Orthodontic Society is preparing to welcome orthodontics around the world to the 9th IOC in Yokohama in 2020

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8th IOC Sept. 27-30 2015. Orthodontists from around the world came to London



Click here for World News

Dr. Vinod Krishnan is the new Editor of the Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontics.  Read more

The JWFO is offered exclusively online on a quarterly basis, and WFO members have complete access to the peer-reviewed journal’s content as a membership benefit. Read More

Brand your practice website, marketing material with WFO logo  

WFO committee undertakes new projects to foster board certification globally

WFO explores option of offering an educational grant program for the 9th International Orthodontic Congress® in 2020 

   Rio de Janeiro to host the 10th IOC in 2025 Announcement


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The 1st World Orthodontic Day



Design a logo and enter to win complimentary registration (and more) to the 2020 IOC in Yokohama

The World Federation of Orthodontics is offering a prize to a Fellow/Student member who creates the winning logo design for the World Federation of Orthodontist's silver jubilee celebration which will be held in 2020 to commemorate the WFO's 25th anniversary. Read More...


For a preview of the 9th International Orthodontic Congress (IOC) on October 4-7, 2020, have a look...