The Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists
The Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists (JWFO) is available at The JWFO is offered exclusively online, and WFO members have complete access to the peer-reviewed journal’s content as a membership benefit. Elsevier, the world’s leading provider of science and health information, is the publisher and is managing the journal website.
WFO members need to register and activate their subscriptions to gain access to the full-text articles. Once you are on the Journal access page- scroll down to the Journal Access box on the left and select the “Activate Online Access” link. After registering an account, members must return to the login/registration page and select the link “Claim Online Access to Full-text Articles.”
Interested authors can review author guidelines and submit articles via Elsevier’s submission website for the JWFO: Jorge Faber was the first Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists (JWFO). He launched the journal in 2012 and reported, “The initial reaction of the world orthodontic community to the launch of the JWFO was excellent.”
Dr. Faber served with distinction and was greatly appreciated for his time and effort over those five years and also for the time he dedicated to the transition process to his successor.
Dr. Vinod Krishnan of Trivandrum, Kerala, India, was selected by the WFO Executive Committee to serve as the current Editor-in-Chief of the JWFO as of April 1, 2017.
For the current Editorial Board see:
Dr. Vinod Krishnan
Current Editor-in-Chief of the JWFO
Dr. Jorge Faber
First Editor-in-Chief of the JWFO
The Past JWFO Editorial Board
The editorial board of the Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 2010-2015:
• Editor-in Chief: Dr. Jorge Faber
• Case Reports: Dr. Elliott Moskowitz of New York University, USA
• Clinician’s Corner: Dr. John Monticello, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
• Dental Materials: Dr. Shin-Jae Lee of Seoul National University, Korea,
• Oral Biology, Growth and Development: Dr. Guoqiang Guan of the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
• Multimedia Content & Graber's Section: Dr. Flavia Artese of Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil
• Scientific Method in Dentistry: Dr. Adam Qingsong Ye of James Cook University, Cairns, Australia