The 7th International Orthodontic Congress
Sydney Convention Centre
Dr. Shane Fryer, now immediate past president of the Australian Society of Orthodontists (ASO), greets the 7th IOC delegates during the Opening Ceremony Feb. 6. The WFO, the ASO and the Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society were the hosts of the 7th IOC and 4th Meeting of the WFO.
The 7th IOC Scientific Programme featured electronic poster presentations (pictured here). Delegates could download the posters to memory sticks. In addition, more than 300 speakers participated in the 7th IOC and 4th Meeting of the WFO.
The Australian Society of Orthodontists (ASO) recognized Dr. David Taylor of Australia, left, for his book A Brace of Orthodontists and also awarded him with the ASO Distinguished Service Award. Dr. William Proffit, Kenan Professor of Orthodontics at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and author of Contemporary Orthodontics, congratulates him on these honors Feb. 6. Dr. Proffit delivered the WFO Lecture Feb. 8 during the 7th International Orthodontic Congress (IOC) and 4th Meeting of the WFO.
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