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Allan R. Thom WOHD Art Competition


Allan R. Thom
World Orthodontic Health Day Art Competition and Award

The World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) Executive Committee established the World Orthodontic Health Day (WOHD) Art Competition and Award in 2022, and named it after former WFO President, Doctor Allan R. Thom. The award is to be presented annually to the 
patients of WFO Fellows and/or patients of WFO student members who, in the judgment of the WFO, have related a story relating to orthodontics in the form of a well-executed still two- dimensional art piece in any medium. The annual competition is divided into 3 age groups relating to patient age on the date the submitted art was created: patients below the age of 12, those between 12 and 18, and patients above 18 years. Competition winners, a maximum of three per year within each age category, will be given a certificate, a plaque and a prize. These will be sent to and awarded to them by their participating orthodontist. Publicity of these awards will be via WFO professional and social media platforms used in tandem with the World Orthodontic Health Day celebrations.

The award is named after Dr. Allan R. Thom as he was instrumental in initiating the World Orthodontic Health Day during his term as WFO president. Dr. Thom has devoted his professional life towards professional excellence through his work with local, national and international organizations. His care and concern for patients has been expressed at multiple levels, including his own practice. It is therefore apt that this competition involving orthodontic patients be named after him.

Nomination for the Award. Submissions of art pieces, either in an analog or digital form, will be verified and sent to the Executive Committee by the treating orthodontist who must be a WFO Fellow or Student Member in good standing at the time of submission and award designation. Nominations may be submitted directly to the WFO Central Office or through a current WFO Executive Committee member.

Eligibility. To be eligible for nomination for The Allan R. Thom WOHD Art Competition, the art submissions must be from a patient of a Fellow or Student Member of the WFO in good standing.

Process. Submissions for this competition may be made to the WFO Central Office from the 1st of June the previous year and must be received no later than 31st of January of the awarding year. The WFO Awards Committee shall be convened subsequently to discuss all nominations. The nomination shall be submitted with the form provided (Annex A). The nomination must include a short narrative of no more than one (1) page in length, authored by the nominating WFO Fellow or Student Member, fully describing the reasons the patient should be considered for the award. The award winner(s) will be announced, via the WFO media platforms, at least 1 month before the WOHD of that year (no later than 15th April).

Awards Committee. Submissions for The WFO Allan R. Thom WOHD Art Competition shall be reviewed by current members of the WFO Awards Committee, the Secretary-General, and the President of the WFO. The Awards committee can, if so decided, invite an external party to help in the judging process. All members of the committee shall have the right to vote in the determination of an award recipient. Voting by proxy is not permitted, but electronic voting is permitted should a member of the committee not be able to attend a face-to-face meeting. Final decisions are made by the WFO Executive Committee on referral from the WFO Awards Committee and cannot be challenged. Re-submissions for subsequent year competition may be accepted.

General Award Policy. The intent of The Allan R. Thom WOHD Art Competition is to engage both WFO Fellows and the public at large. The art pieces must depict the artist’s experience as an orthodontic patient and/or perception of the benefits of their orthodontic treatment. It is hoped that such pieces of art will help the global audience to be able to relate themselves to these experiences.

Policies governing the selection and award process are:

  1. The award is to increase the exposure of the WFO and its programs as well as the orthodontic dental specialty. The WFO Awards and Communications Committees will publicize the award through the various platforms available. Regional WFO representatives and affiliate associations will also encourage participation from WFO Fellows. The timing for the award being announced will be during the WOHD promotions period as this is in tandem with the aims of the WOHD.

  2. Multiple submissions will not be allowed by an individual. A maximum of three (3) awards will be given out for each category every year. Resubmissions may be allowed for following year competitions

  3. Only patients of WFO Fellows/student and honorary members will qualify for this competition.

  4. All submissions become the property of the WFO and shall be used on its media platforms in a manner deemed appropriate. Written consent from patients (or their parents/guardians) for its use must be obtained and submitted by all participating Fellows together with the art submissions.

  5. A certificate, plaque, and prize will be sent to participating Fellows to present to the winner(s).

  6. The WFO Communications Committee will coordinate the entire award process for professional and social media purposes.


Please find the submission form here and the Permission/Consent form here.

To be considered for the next available award for the year, submissions must reach the WFO Central office from the 1st of June the previous year and must be received no later than 31st of January of the awarding year.

E-mail submission is preferred but submission may also be made by mail or FAX. The artwork mages and the completed Submission and Permission/Consent forms and any added supporting materials maybe delivered to the WFO at:

World Federation of Orthodontists

401 North Lindbergh Boulevard

St. Louis, Missouri 63141-7816 USA

Fax: + 1-314-985-1036

Email: wfo@wfo.org


You can download posters for the WOHD Art Competition in A3 pdf, A4 pdf and in jpg.