Disclaimer: Beware of emails from WFO officers asking for financial assistance or posing as being stranded in situations that require urgent help. These are phishing/hacking activities. WFO officers will never email you for any assistance of this kind.

Fellow Address Correction

Please type your correct address below and click the send mail button. A message will be sent to Terri Wise, Secretariat, WFO. If you prefer, print this form and send it via fax or mail to the WFO:

World Federation Of Orthodontists
401 North Lindbergh Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63141
Tel: +1-314-993-1700
Fax: +1-314-985-1036

New Address:
Address Line 2:
State, Province or Country:
Zip or Postal Code:
Telephone Number:
Fax Telephone Number:
E-Mail Address:
Society to which you belong: