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WFO News

The Host City for the 11th IOC, 2030, will be…

The announcement of the host city for the 11th International Orthodontic Congress in 2030 was a much-anticipated event at the WFO Presidents breakfast meeting in Miami, Florida on the 22nd of May 2022. The breakfast meeting is a traditional event held every year during the AAO Annual Session. Once every five years, the call for bids and the selection of the IOC host city will take place. 8 years before the actual event.

There was some apprehension amongst the IOC Future bid committee and WFO executive committee members over the submission of bids when the call for proposals were put out in early 2021. We were concerned that the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic would affect potential bids.

To our pleasant surprise, we received 4 quality bids with excellent submissions by the time the deadline was reached. They were from Milan (sponsored by the Italian Orthodontic Society, SIDO), Riyadh (sponsored by the Saudi Orthodontic Society, SOS), Seoul (sponsored by the Korean Association of Orthodontists, KAO) and Vancouver (sponsored by the Canadian Association of Orthodontists, CAO).

To pick the first among equals was a very difficult task. The Bid Committee and the WFO EC spent many hours dissecting the bid submissions, discussing and re-discussing each bid.

Dr Nikhilesh Vaid, President of the WFO, decided at this point that, because of the tremendous effort put in by all 4 sponsoring Orthodontic Societies, all 4 bids needed to be recognized at the Presidents Breakfast Meeting. Customized plaques were presented to all 4 bidding societies.

Congratulations to all involved in the bidding process and congratulations to Milan, Host City for the 11th IOC in 2030!!