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T.M. Graber Outstanding Article Award

About the Award

The T.M. Graber Outstanding Article Award, established by the WFO Executive Committee on May 3, 2019, is an annual award created to recognize the principle author and co-authors (if any) of the original article judged to be the most outstanding article published in the JWFO in the preceding year.

The award is named in honor of Dr. T. M. Graber, who was the first editor of the WFO’s first official journal, the World Journal of Orthodontics (WJO), in recognition of his life-long contributions to the profession of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics through his endeavors in academics and research.

Purpose, Eligibility, and Policies


  • To increase WFO member awareness and appreciation for the contributions that orthodontic researchers and authors make to our profession.
  • To encourage members of the orthodontic profession to contribute to the body of orthodontic knowledge by publishing original basic science or clinical treatment articles in the Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists (JWFO).
  • To recognize researchers who demonstrate exceptional skills in communicating their scientific findings to the public, going above and beyond the publication of their academic advances.
  • To encourage and promote high-quality research in the field of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics and allied sciences.


  • All original research articles and case series published in the JWFO during the calendar year prior to the presentation of the award are automatically considered for this award; no formal nomination is required.
  • To be eligible to receive the WFO’s T. M. Graber Outstanding Article Published in the JWFO, an author must be a Fellow, Academic, Honorary or Retired Member of the WFO. Student Members are not eligible for nomination.
  • Articles authored by members of the International Editorial Review Board are eligible for consideration of this award.
  • Articles authored by the JWFO Editor-in-Chief, members of the JWFO Executive Committee, and all Associate Editors of the JWFO are not eligible for consideration of this award.


  • The articles will be judged on their impact to the profession, relevance, originality, methodology, and presentation of results and discussion.
  • Award winners from the preceding five years will have their names, photographs, affiliations and their winning article title presented or otherwise recognized at the opening ceremonies of the respective International Orthodontic Congress.



Gopal H., Das S.K., Barik A.K., Mishra M., Rath S.K., Samal R., Sharma G.

Success rate of infrazygomatic crest mini-implants used for en-masse retraction of maxillary anterior teeth in first premolar extraction cases: A three-dimensional comparative prospective clinical trial between adolescents and young adults.

Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists. 2023;12(5):197-206.


Owayda A. M., Hajeer M. Y., Murad R. M. T., Al-Sabbagh R.

The efficacy of low-level laser therapy versus paracetamol-caffeine in controlling orthodontic separation pain and changes in the oral-health-related quality of life in Class I malocclusions: A 3-arm, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial.

Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists. 2022 Jan 1;11(3):75–82.


Apiwantanakul N.,
Chantarawaratit P.O.

Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and cellular metal accumulation caused by professionally applied fluoride products in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances: A randomized clinical trial.

Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists. 2021 Sep 1;10(3):98-104.


Mehta S., Dresner R., Gandhi V., Chen P.J., Allareddy V., Kuo C.L., Mu J., Yadav S.

Effect of positional errors on the accuracy of cervical vertebrae maturation assessment using CBCT and lateral cephalograms.

Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists. 2020 Dec 1;9(4):146-54.


Alikhani M., Alansari S., Al Jearah M.M., Gadhavi N., Hamidaddin M.A., Shembesh F.A., Sangsuwon C., Nervina J.M., Teixeira C.C.

Biphasic sutural response is key to palatal expansion.

Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists. 2019 Mar 1;8(1):9-17.